The one stop shop for all things IssueOps

If you landed on this page, you're probably trying to find the answer to the question What is IssueOps? If so, you came to the right place! The goal of this site is to provide education, best practices, examples, and resources for building IssueOps workflows on GitHub.

What is IssueOps?

IssueOps is a loose collection of tools, workflows, and concepts that can be applied to GitHub Issues to drive a nearly limitless number of workflows. Like many of the other "Ops" tools, (ChatOps, GitOps, and so on), IssueOps leverages a friendly interface to drive behind-the-scenes automation. In this case, issues and pull requests (PRs) are the interface, and GitHub Actions is the automation engine.IssueOps isn't just a DevOps tool! You can run anything from complex CI/CD pipelines to a bed and breakfast reservation system. If you can interact with it via an API, there's a good chance you can build it with IssueOps!

Why should I use IssueOps?


Any time a user interacts with an issue or PR, an event is triggered. These events can be used to trigger GitHub Actions workflows.


Based on the event type and data provided, you can implement custom logic to perform virtually any task. If you can interact with it via an API, command-line tool, or script, you can probably build it with IssueOps.


All actions taken on an issue are recorded in the issue timeline.


An issue or pull request creates an immutable record of the transaction, approvals, and actions that are taken. This follows GitHub's "everything has a URL" philosophy.

How do I get started?

Check out the resources on this site to learn more about IssueOps and how to build your own workflows.If you're looking for inspiration and a practical demonstration, check out Bear Creek Honey Farm! This is a fictional bed and breakfast reservation system drive by IssueOps workflows. The source code for this example can be found in the issue-ops/bear-creek-honey-farm and issue-ops/demo-reservation-action repositories.